
Monday, October 4, 2010

About Would you rather stand in front of a buffalo stampede or work at Walmart on Black Friday

Would you rather stand in front of a buffalo stampede or work at Walmart on Black Friday?
I think I'd go with the buffalos. I think they're smarter than the Walmart crowd and might actually try to avoid me.
Current Events - 12 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
The buffalo don't give you an employee discount.
Answer 2 :
Hello, I think you would basically be facing the same situation it is about the same thing. Terrible to think people that have ways to use logic would act this way. Sincerely curious
Answer 3 :
Wal-Mart. At least when you get stampeded you would get some compensation plus you are getting paid to do it. But yes it is tragic that we live in such a materialistic society that we would actually hurt people to get the materialistic things we WANT.
Answer 4 :
Maybe. But these "super-IDIOTS" who brave bad weather to camp out for hours in front of these stores, are a breed apart!
Answer 5 :
The wal-mart in California was just fine on black friday. I guess it depends on who's doing the shopping.The New York wal-mart would have been better off with buffalo shopping.
Answer 6 :
The Wal mart in my town was half empty on Black Friday.
Answer 7 :
With the Buffalo you have no chance. Atleasr at Wal-Mart, your family gets partial benefits. On the real issue, we live in a selfish world, People have one thing on their minds: What's in it for me and me only.
Answer 8 :
Answer 9 :
I am saddened to see people putting humans on the same level as buffalo. But, I guess when it all boils down, we are all still animals.
Answer 10 :
I think I'd rather run with the bulls in Spain than work at Walmart any day. I've been there, done that (worked at Target- just as bad), and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy
Answer 11 :
I take my chance on walgreen.
Answer 12 :
Depends on what neighborhood your in...
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